Tuesday, July 19, 2005

Week One is in the Books

My first week of living in Hoboken has arrived, and so far so good. I am an accomplished parker at the wee hours of the morning. I have just about everything moved in, and i even learned where to throw away the garbage. And another good reason why I left my old place....my old landlord is charging me for the wear on the kitchen floor!!! i scrubbed that floor, and it looks better than it ever did, and yet, she said it looked like it wasn't cleaned at all!!! she IS crazy.

I did encounter one move catasrophe...i successfully crashed the hard drive on my computer. YAY!! so my poor baby is currently up with my brother awaiting the arrival of some new internal organs. And it should be all fixed by Russ' wedding next week. let's hope i don't screw this up again!!


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