Wednesday, October 12, 2005

i saw one of the best movies of the year....wallace and grommit and the curse of the were-rabbit!!! it was FANTASTIC!!! and we should all go out an support aardman since their studios in england just burnt down - how sad. i think that's where they kept most of their masters - which is even MORE upsetting!!! so go and see this good movie with someone - cuz it's definetly better with another person! and i've realized that lately i've fallen in love with using exclamation points!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (we here with the funkmeister truly apologize)

so i'm trying to stay nice and dry today - i think i might need to build an ark soon. stop by and help out - this way you'll be assured of getting on the boat! but in the mean time i'm having a cup o'joe and waiting for the chocolate chip muffins to cool down a bit - YUM


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