Monday, June 05, 2006

it's about time i started something big, HUGE. i feel a callling in my heart, a tug at my emotions. it's something deep down. i need to go on a quest for the holy grail!! (the real one!) lookout indiana jones. take that robert langdon. it's all about me. i'm going out there to get it done....

ok - so maybe that's all talk. but i did see the davinci code last night, and i'm inspired.

who's with me? c'mon. i know you are.


At 4:17 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I saw the DaVinci Code a few weeks back. And I was inspired too-- to ask for my money back.

What will be your grail quest, my love? Perhaps it will take you out west? Come visit!

By the by: I MAY be hitting NYC for two days in July. I want to see Avenue Q-- AND AND AND my SISTER is moving there!



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