Monday, July 24, 2006

i know the question on the tip of your tongue is "funk, how's the show going?" well i'll tell ya this. it's going. because the host of our show, michael strahan of the ny giants, is actually busy this fall (shocking, right) we can only secure one date for shooting with him until the end of the season. so we've slated a shoot date for sometime in september, and we will be creating a 1 hour special to "kick off" (no pun intended) the series. in this one hour special, we'll be making two projects in one person's backyard...what a lucky family!! this is actually a break for us. we wanted to be able to do a really good show, and the producers and i thought that we could put together something better if we had more time. we tried in earnest to see if we could get another host, but contracts were signed blah, blah, blah. it's not that strahan is awful, on the contrary he's a really nice person. but the fact that we have to work around his schedule and not our own kind of stinks. i know i was hoping that we'd get filming this fall and have the winter and early spring to cut the show. oh well. ain't tv great!

on a side note - idiots of the world were driving out and about today. i almost got hit like 3 time by jerks who liked to drift around in their lanes! i hate other drivers.

ps - mupster, next time i follow you home, i'll totally lean on the horn til you turn around!


At 7:00 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I saw tear up the contracts. You should get David Wright on board - I'm sure he'll have time this fall and winter to work on your project!
And hells yeah you should honk long and loud when you see me! Hopefully I'll actually have my phone on me at all times!

At 8:51 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yeah I'm sure Wright won't be playing in those pesky playoffs or world series this fall Meg.... nice Mets fan.

At 2:11 PM, Blogger Funkmeister said...

well, at least met fans know their rightful place!!!

At 10:21 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey now, I said fall and winter - November and early December is still technically fall! GO METS!!!!!!


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