tonight ellen and i took a trip to the bookstore. boring you say? not if you belive seeing the most dreamy man in television news (after larry king, right els??) is boring....that's right, i went to the ANDERSON COOPER book signing in union square!! and let me tell you, all the sitting around waiting and waiting was WORTH IT. i was able to make friends with the people sitting next to me, as i tried to save ellen a seat, but the mean people at barnes & noble made me give that seat to some woman, who didn't even stick around to get her booke signed!! anyway, sitting with other women who love anderson (he is, btw, els new b.f.f.) just like i do was really fun. he does have a wide range of fans, many ages, many colors.the best part was getting to met the REAL mcdreamy in person. he thanked me for waiting so long (and there were still like a gazillion people he was going to sign books for) and i thanked him for signing my book. i feel we had made a real connection, and i expect him to use his show to hunt me down and make me his trophy wife. i was gonna try and save him the trouble, but i do like the idea of the chase, so bring it AC 360!!!
So MCDREAMY!!!! But I guess to have to be if you follow Larry King. Them's big shoes to fill.
Ooh. Yummy :)
Hilarious post. By the way, your boy Lubjcic plays Nadal in the semis. Good pick so far, although Nadal looks unstoppable.
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