Sunday, July 30, 2006

holy crap it's hot outside!!!! the weather people say another heat wave is headed our way, and we'll be in the 90's most of the week. yikes!

on top of the heat, poor peter is really sick. he finally broke his fever the other day, and now he's on anti-biotics, which ironically, i'm allergic to!! (it really is punishment since i was the one to get him sick in the first place)

but in the good news category, i am continuing to work normal working people's hours for the forseeable future - yay!! and the other day my exec prod discovered i can use a final cut, so now i'm now even more in like flynn around the higher ups. but do not believe that this new found freedom at the office makes me want to stay there. in fact it's quite the opposite, i'm more motivated to leave, whenever i can get a new job. but i'm still on the hunt!!!!

and let me use this space to give a shout out to russ and tara on their 1st anniversary. i hope canada was fun!


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