Friday, December 15, 2006

the mystery has been solved, i finally know what i'm allergic to, and sadly, it's not black rubber. it's....(drumroll)

NOTHING!! that's right people, i'm allergic to absolutely nothing. after two days of my skin reexposed to oxygen, what looked like could be an allergy turned into NOTHING. i do feel kind of let down, since this has consumed my life all week. but on the bright side, it's cool not to be allergic to one's own makeup.

and here's a tip straight from the DR. if you get new makeup, espcially if you're switching brands, test a little on the inside of your arm, where your elbow is - it's the most like the skin on your face. place a little sample, and after 48 hours, if there's no reaction, you're good to go!! and ladies, my aunt told me this, that if you buy your makeup at CVS and you don't like it, you can return it even if it's open. that rocks!


At 6:28 AM, Blogger Unknown said...

I was not aware of that fabulous CVS tip. Thanks! :)


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