Tuesday, January 10, 2006


during this lovely oscar season, we here at the dancing italian women have decided to help you out when you just can pick a movie.

today's selection.....KING KONG

i wasn't all too thrilled about this movie. it is visually STUNNING!! Kong himself is really a terrific example of digital creations. Naomi Watts really made me believe that she felt real emotions for this ape. And Skull Island with it's native peoples and creatures were also visually interesting. but the two people who stole the show in my mind were Evan Park, who plays Haynes and Jamie Bell who plays Jimmy. their relationship was so interesting. and weird kind of father/son, mentor/student that i really felt was the best part of the story.

where Kong didn't do it for me was in the really LONG, sometimes boring scenes on Skull Island where we get to meet some of the local fauna. these were scenes that took entirely too long, and after a while, i was kind of bored watching them. i know peter jackson likes sweeping epics, but this story just didn't need it. but i guess when you're having fun with computer graphics, you get carried away.

so overall i give KING KONG an EH on the Cherility scale...which is a recommendation, but not a resounding one. if you're stuck for a date idea, Kong is the way to go. but if you're looking for oscar winner, it ain't here.


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