NEW YORK, NEW YORK it's a wonderful town......
ellen and i took a trip to a place neither of us have ever been in nyc...to the cloisters! for those of you that are wondering what on earth that is, well in the 1930s john d. rockefeller decided that he wanted to bring pieces of medieval art and architecture to nyc - so he built a kind of monastery looking building to house all these artifacts and gave the building to the Met. so after perusing the fine medieval arts that are housed there, els and i decided to go someplace else we've never been.....GRANT'S TOMB!!!

if you've never been to see grant's tomb - i highly recommend it. it is really gorgeous. and according to the sign, it's north america's largest mausoleum. very impressive. and i bet in the spring and summer when the surrounding gardens are in bloom, it's even more gorgeous.
and as ellen i were standing there, across the street was Riverside Church - so of course we went in. what a lovely place. the stained glass in the main church is breathtaking. and the organist was practicing while we were there, so that rocked.
then ellen and i got back in the car and drove down to the metropolitan museum of art. we had some lunch in the lovely new cafeteria. then we took a guided tour of the modern art collection. i always suggest taking a tour of a collection when going to museum that has so much like this one - it's much easier to manage and you'll really get to see something rather than breezing through and not really seeing anything. and i got to see one of my favorite jackson Pollock works - that always makes me smile

Not only was it fun, it was also educational! We learned that unicorns can gouge dogs, Grant's Tomb was designed by Frederick Law Olmsted (damn you Mark Primack!!) and that Jackson Pollock was "a bit of an alcoholic". You truly do learn something new everyday.
And for future reference, an eagle will have to be mighty big for me to find it imposing.
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