Tuesday, February 27, 2007

two fantastic things happened over the weekend.

one...I GOT A NEW JOB!!! that's right. a new job. so i got to QUIT my old job! something i've been wanting to do for a long time, but SERIOUSLY have wanted to do for the past year or so - or a little more. the new job will send me over to a .com (i'm finally getting in on this .com revolution i've been hearing about) where i will be encoding video to the site. it's a cool company that gets journalists and broadcast people access to news information from companies and corporations. so everything done is broadcast ready. i think, in fact i know, i'm a little behind in my personal knowledge of this technology, and i certainly didn't make them think otherwise. but i'm told i should be able to pick up the info quickly. so that's good. i am excited for the new gig, but also slightly scared. but the scary-ness is from entering a new situation - and who wouldn't be scared for that??

the second fun thing that happened this weekend - i got to go skiing with lots of people!!! that was awesome too. and i realized i can also keep up with my friends who are speed demons out there on the slopes. so i'm getting better at this whole skiing thing! the only downside....one of our team broke his collarbone and it wasn't j!! poor thing! it could've been worse, he could've hit a tree.

i just hope i making the right job decision....i don't want to regret this.


At 5:50 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

WOOHOO Congrats goes around for the new jobby job! And it's great that you went out for this and got it! Don't even think about regrets, cuz regrets are for losers!

And woohoo skiing! You have definitely picked up some speed! And successful trip for you personally, no injury even though you spent all weekend with J! Nice job all around!! :)

At 8:57 AM, Blogger Els said...

Congrats on the new job! Perhaps I will be joining you in that realm soon.


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