Sunday, December 31, 2006

well ladies and germs, it's the end of another year! it's been one interesting one for me, to say the least. but i'm not here to recount my year (that can be done by rereading my posts!!!) i want to pass along good thoughts and wishes for all of you. none of us know what tomorrow will bring, so i hope for you, tomorrow is better than today!!!

though i have done something for myself. i joined the hoboken ymca!! that's right people, i can get myself clean, i can have a good meal, i can do whatever i feel....well, i feel like take classes in yoga, pilates, some other classes and swimming. and maybe one day i'll cross the border into the actual gym - but i don't know. we'll see how things go!

so, whatever your plans are for tonight, i will raise my glass and think of you, please do the same!

happy new year!


At 10:16 AM, Blogger Els said...

Happy New Year to you as well!!!

Congrats on joining the YMCA. But as I learned in Boston, joining the YMCA and actually going to the YMCA are two very different things.

At 12:32 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Cheers to you, my dear friend!
The happiest of new years to you!


At 12:32 AM, Blogger Squaresville said...

Cheers to you, my dear friend!
The happiest of new years to you!


At 12:32 AM, Blogger Squaresville said...

Oops! too many posts of the same comment from me. Sorry!


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