Thursday, December 01, 2005

so today i took my annual trip to the NASCAR media luncheon. this year it was at Cipriani's on 42nd - not a bad place to hold an event. the lunch was nothing to rave about, EXCEPT for the chocolate cake for dessert. now, as most of you know i'm not a big fan of all things chocolaty - but this was decadent chocolate beyond belief. it was kind of like a mousse in the middle - but yet a little more cakey and they were separated by thin layes of the best chocolate icing EVER topped by the same thing. i swear, just looking at it would send you into a diabetic coma. in fact, no one at our table could make it all the way through - it was just that good and rich. so if you're looking to get some chocolate cake: cipriani's on 42nd - you will NOT be disappointed.

anyway, i did get to see my favorite NASCAR driver (yes, i do have one. NO i'm not turning into a backwoods hick) and it is Jimmie Johnson. he's the cutest driver and he has the hottest pit crew - as i affirmed last year when i went to a NASCAR race in the pocono's for work and i had pit passes and could walk anywhere i darn well wanted. i think jimmie's wife was getting a little annoyed that all i did was stand by his little station while reporters asked him questions. and i will show you the pictures i took once i get them. i know you can't wait.

peace out....and btw - for those of you that have a blog, can you no longer make changes to the date and time of your post?? i've suddenly lost that ability. is it just me?


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