i have a problem. a very serious problem. it's something i can't help. something i can't stop, and you know what, i don't think i want to. i don't believe there is a cure out there for me. what is my problem??? well, it's taken a lot of nerve for me to put it on paper, but here it is.....I AM A DORK THAT LOVES TO TRY AND RECREATE POSES IN ART, WHILE STANDING IN FRONT OF TOURISTS!!!

but i am NOT the only one with this affliction....
where is an intervention when you need one???
what a horrible night last night!!! as i was driving home through union city, i was stopped at a traffic light and then all of a sudden my radio turns off and the car SHUTS DOWN!!! i put the car in park, turned it off, tried to turn it on again.....and NOTHING. and it's RAINING and i'm in the middle of the ROAD!!! so i called my road side service people, but here was the problem..i had NO IDEA what road i was on!!! i was near the intersection of about 4 streets, and none with a sign i could see. luckily i was infront of a post office, which helped with the location. a very nice man in a black honda stopped to help push over to the side of the road...no one else stopped to help. i was yelled at by bus drivers, honked at. don't people realize i didn't really want to be stopped in the middle of the street, and if i could move i would!after about an hour the service guy found me and we jumped my car. by that time peter had also found me and he followed me home. the car worked all the way, and i started it again about an hour later. but this morning i'm on the hunt for a new battery, i think. i will not be suprised if i need a new battery, as i still have the one the factory installed. hopefully that is all that is, though it's odd that the car shut off while i was driving. weird. but we'll see what my friendly automotive specialist has to say.let's keep our fingers crossed.....
over the weekend, there was a slight invasion from "the south". and by invasion, i mean a visit from JENN and JILL!!! we imbibed a bit on saturday night, and dined a bit on sunday morning. and we all had some panda cookies (made by yours truly). jenn and meg got a chance to celebrate the mets world series team of '86. and then jenn got to enjoy some alone time with her favorite person on earth......
so a good time was had by all.......
but the visit was WAY TOO SHORT!!! come back soon!!!
over the weekend peter and i took a trip to beantown, so he could get a little more "land knowledge" for when he moves there in january. it was the MOST GORGEOUS weekend in boston. no humidity, and chilly and breezy at night that a jacket was required. we had a good time walking around the city, doing a little tourist thing here and there. we went to the sam brewery (without tara) and had fun in the tasting room.
we spent the weekend at russ and tara's and it was a lovely time. we had dinner with them on friday and saturday nights - once out, once at home. we watched movies and had lots of dunkin' donuts (nothing wrong with that!!)
so thanks russ and tara for the great weekend (and for sending the stuff back) we had fun. we should do it again, sometime
so what has been happening lately. hmmm...on saturday els and i went out for another round of a day of fun. we tried to get into the zoo, but the bitch lady at the door said we couldn't get in using my parents membership pass because my name wasn't on the pass and it's an individual membership not a family. so els and i found ourselves at the frick collection. a place i hadn't been to in years and els has never been. we got ourselves in as students...a savings of $10!!! then we got a free audio tour, which was cool cuz you could find out about the room or the paintings that interested you rather having to listen to everything. we then walked up madison to look in the store windows of stuff we couldn't afford. we also had some yummy ice cream in the park.......
on sunday the family took a trip to see the staten island yankees play the lowell spinners. the yanks lost, but the family had fun. so that was cool.and then monday came...THE BIG DIG. say goodbye to the housing landscape i knew and loved. mom and dad are losing their driveway and side yard in order to make way for a new street for 2 houses that are being built in the wooded area behind their house. it's the worst that could ever happen to the neighborhood...
this is where the driveway used to be. along with a garden and some bushes. my parents house is on the left. at least my parents don't loose as much of their side yard as our neighbors, their's is COMPLETELY gone. it's just such a shame!!!Boo NYC zoning board.
just a little reminder. DJRePete has his show now on wednesday. so if you're bored at work and need a little music, turn him on and sit back and relax with some newly discovered music!!!