yesterday as i was making my moring cup o java, i realized that in the wine rack that is above the counter the bottle of wine that was given to me from my friend's trip to hungary last year was MISSING! so of course this means that one of my roommates over the holiday weekend just assumed that because a bottle of wine is in the apartment and they can't remember receiving it as a gift, or buying it, it must be theirs! you can see how this logic works. so while i'm disappointed that someone drank my wine, my roommates tell me - well we didn't know, and maybe you should've put your name on it or something. is this what the world is coming to? i mean, i put my initials on the eggs in the fridge because we all buy the same ones - we need to diferentiate. and i'm fine with that. why does this new thing bother me?? i think that it's because they just assumed that it was theirs. should i start labelling everything that's mine?? they use all my kitchen ware. should i label them?
where does the labeling stop?? whatever happened to leaving something you're not quite sure of the ownership of, or asking about it?? am i being too crazy here??
I Dance Like the Italian Women
Tuesday, November 28, 2006
Saturday, November 25, 2006
hope you all had a WONDERFUL thanksgiving! and that it was full of friends and/or families.
but the fun part of my weekend was friday night when i worked as a PA for Bridezillas! it wa fun. the wedding was typically staten island, but the bride wasn't as crazy as i thought she would be. oh well. i worked with some nice people, and i would work with them again. supposedly this new season of bridezillas will air in april (it's season 4) so i guess i'll have to wait and see how good of a job i did !!!
and that's been about it for the weekend. not much else going on, except i'm trying to beat this stupid sore throat! off to have some juice....
but the fun part of my weekend was friday night when i worked as a PA for Bridezillas! it wa fun. the wedding was typically staten island, but the bride wasn't as crazy as i thought she would be. oh well. i worked with some nice people, and i would work with them again. supposedly this new season of bridezillas will air in april (it's season 4) so i guess i'll have to wait and see how good of a job i did !!!
and that's been about it for the weekend. not much else going on, except i'm trying to beat this stupid sore throat! off to have some juice....
Tuesday, November 21, 2006
ok - so it's tuesday i have yet to tell you how my weekend went. for the record, it was fun. spent it mostly with darren so we all know what that means....his g.f. didn't come up to the 'boken for the weekend!!! anyway, we had fun. drinks at mcsorley's, a college football game, hanging in alphabet city. good times people, good times.
on a sort of work front - because i will be off for thanksgiving (the first time in like 6 years!) i will not be getting holiday pay at my office - which hurts. so instead i will be a PA on friday for tv series that is shooting on staten island. what show?? BRIDEZILLAS! that's right people, a show for the WE network. secretly i really like this show. dem biatches CRAZY! so i'll be at some lovely people's wedding on friday. so the extra cash and little bit of fun is in store for me!! (beats eating the rest of the pies mom is gonna make!!!)
on a sort of work front - because i will be off for thanksgiving (the first time in like 6 years!) i will not be getting holiday pay at my office - which hurts. so instead i will be a PA on friday for tv series that is shooting on staten island. what show?? BRIDEZILLAS! that's right people, a show for the WE network. secretly i really like this show. dem biatches CRAZY! so i'll be at some lovely people's wedding on friday. so the extra cash and little bit of fun is in store for me!! (beats eating the rest of the pies mom is gonna make!!!)
Friday, November 17, 2006
finally threethings have happened to day. 1) it's FRIDAY (yay for the end of the slow-est work week ever!!) 2) there is this strange bright glow coming from the sky. people have called it the 'sun'. i am not sure what to make of it, cuz it hasn't been seen for quite some time. i may have to go out and enjoy it.
and the 3rd best thing to happen to day...i filled up my gas tank for LESS THAN $25!! yay oil going down to a year low. yay democrats!
and the 3rd best thing to happen to day...i filled up my gas tank for LESS THAN $25!! yay oil going down to a year low. yay democrats!
Wednesday, November 15, 2006
is anyone else completely disturbed by the special that fox tv will air next week with oj simpson? the thing that disturbs me the most is the actual title of this special..."if i did it, here's how it happened" so essentially he's gonna tell us how he killed two people and then got away with it. that's just crazy...crazy enough for fox!!
i can't imagine why other countries can't stand us!
i can't imagine why other countries can't stand us!
Sunday, November 12, 2006
two fantastic things happened last night....
first, now that the elections are over, peter can FINALLY enjoy a night out. he's been working so hard, so i'm sure he was excited to let off some steam.

and the other fantastic thing, MY b.f.f, molly, finally got to come to hoboken to hang out. we don't nearly see each other that often (that NEEDS to change). so that was awesome. though her 'boyfriend' was mysteriously in maine....ya see, i don't think he exists. she keeps showing me pictures of some guy she claims is her boyfriend, but i dont know....;p

one of the best parts of the night was jaclyn and peter dancing on the bar. though, sadly, the other boys at the bar were NOT happy with peter dancing, and they brought out some bronx cheers! not me, i cheered!

since you couldn't make it, sorry. it was fun. we'll do it again. and you should DEF. be there!
first, now that the elections are over, peter can FINALLY enjoy a night out. he's been working so hard, so i'm sure he was excited to let off some steam.

and the other fantastic thing, MY b.f.f, molly, finally got to come to hoboken to hang out. we don't nearly see each other that often (that NEEDS to change). so that was awesome. though her 'boyfriend' was mysteriously in maine....ya see, i don't think he exists. she keeps showing me pictures of some guy she claims is her boyfriend, but i dont know....;p

one of the best parts of the night was jaclyn and peter dancing on the bar. though, sadly, the other boys at the bar were NOT happy with peter dancing, and they brought out some bronx cheers! not me, i cheered!

since you couldn't make it, sorry. it was fun. we'll do it again. and you should DEF. be there!
Thursday, November 09, 2006
and here is a p.s. from the vegas supplied by mix master...

we enjoyed the wildlife at the hotel...

they did NOT enjoy the wildlife at the club

we just enjoyed hanging out!!!!

we enjoyed the wildlife at the hotel...

they did NOT enjoy the wildlife at the club

we just enjoyed hanging out!!!!
just to let you know that i have not lapsed back into non-blogging, i would like to discuss tonight's episode of 'the office". did anyone else find it HIL-AR-I-OUS that michael's cell phone played 'my humps' by black eyed peas.
and what is up with The O.C.? i can't figure out where they're going yet. wrapping up the whole marissa story line, what are they gonna do next? is teresa going to come back again? that would be cool.
and what is up with The O.C.? i can't figure out where they're going yet. wrapping up the whole marissa story line, what are they gonna do next? is teresa going to come back again? that would be cool.
Monday, November 06, 2006
after the past few months of broken computer, then no computer, and now all better computer i admit that i've been lax in my posting. but now there are NO MORE EXCUSES for me, so here it is.....
hmmmmm, let's see, what have i been up to?? well this past weekend i went to VEGAS, BABY, VEGAS!!!! it was a prophecy that was made in 1999 by a lonley sticker on a wall in london, and it has finally came true.
granted this was one quick trip to sin city, but well worth it. the major reason why i went was to watch my friends tom and jeanne get MARRIED!!
i still can't get over it, and i was there!! and my lovely date for the weekend was none other than mix master mel. it had been a whole month see we had seen one another in the big apple, so it was great to see her in such a short period of time - ya see, she lives in the city of angels, and we don't get to hang out all that often. but when we do, we live it up!!!! other college chums jp and leasy-lease were also in attendence. making the weekend a little girls getaway.
dateline friday - asfter landing i strolled the strip and hit the casinos. i tried to lose money in as many casinos as i could in a few short hours before i met up with andy - one of my 'boys'. he moved to vegas last year to work in politics - even though we're on seperate sides of the aisle, i still love 'em. he was kind enough to let me spend the night on his couch, and it was great to see him.
dateline saturday - the wedding - fantastic. it was exactly the personality of jeanne and tom. and jeanne, she looked GORGEOUS.

her dress fit her perfectly. and it was completely unexpected. the food and drink was good. and luckily for me and the rest of my crew, we were position at "rowdy table number 6". we got on smashingly with some of jeanne's friends and a good time was had by all....even if we did, literally, try to burn the place down (firemarshall jaime was quick on her feet, and helped quell the fire after the hillarious yet unfruitful efforts of mix master - though she did try, after all, she was the FIRST responder)
dancing commenced until they kicked us out, but don't feel bad people, we were in VEGAS. mix master called upon a close pal from her days in the blue grass state, mike, and was it EVER a hookup. mike just happens to work at TAO at the venetian on the strip. and we had the VIP service. we rolled up, walked through the velvet ropes, snickered at those waiting on line, and went right to where the action was!

a few drinky drinks in us, and on the dance floor we went...and no sooner did we get there when from the ceiling fell some fantastic foam!!! which really just made it look like we all had a horrible dandruff problem. dancing commenced, sweat dripping, and guys trying to cop a feel, all while packed like sardines trying to get out of the can. it was great!!! the dj was AWESOME. and there were even naked girls in a tub. the terrace provided some much needed fresh air every so often. and we danced the night away.
dateline sunday - what is a trip to vegas without a trip to a buffet? we met up with the rest of the wedding party for a champange brunch. i think i'm still full from it. but it was yum after a full evening. after gorging ourselves, the ladies and i headed out to hit the tables. $5 blackjack called us, and we obliged. this was my first time playing a table game (i'm not much of a gambler) and it turned out pretty well for me. i came away with $40 in winnings - not bad for some beginners luck. and mix master finally ended her 6 year drought when her "12" came up and she won some dough. we were defintely the big winners - take that vegas!!
after some gellato at the bellagio, it was time to leave sin city and go back to our normal lives. a quick trip to drop me off at the airport, and i said good bye to my girls (table 6 represent!!) and i was on my way back east while the girls went west.
it was a great weekend. too short with the girls, but just the right amount for the strip. i think next time i'm back in the desert, i'll head out to the mountains, or the dams, or a lake - a little scenery might do me some good, instead of just hitting "the scene".
but i do reccommend vegas at least once in your life - you can bet on that!!!!
after the past few months of broken computer, then no computer, and now all better computer i admit that i've been lax in my posting. but now there are NO MORE EXCUSES for me, so here it is.....
hmmmmm, let's see, what have i been up to?? well this past weekend i went to VEGAS, BABY, VEGAS!!!! it was a prophecy that was made in 1999 by a lonley sticker on a wall in london, and it has finally came true.
granted this was one quick trip to sin city, but well worth it. the major reason why i went was to watch my friends tom and jeanne get MARRIED!!
i still can't get over it, and i was there!! and my lovely date for the weekend was none other than mix master mel. it had been a whole month see we had seen one another in the big apple, so it was great to see her in such a short period of time - ya see, she lives in the city of angels, and we don't get to hang out all that often. but when we do, we live it up!!!! other college chums jp and leasy-lease were also in attendence. making the weekend a little girls getaway.
dateline friday - asfter landing i strolled the strip and hit the casinos. i tried to lose money in as many casinos as i could in a few short hours before i met up with andy - one of my 'boys'. he moved to vegas last year to work in politics - even though we're on seperate sides of the aisle, i still love 'em. he was kind enough to let me spend the night on his couch, and it was great to see him.
dateline saturday - the wedding - fantastic. it was exactly the personality of jeanne and tom. and jeanne, she looked GORGEOUS.

her dress fit her perfectly. and it was completely unexpected. the food and drink was good. and luckily for me and the rest of my crew, we were position at "rowdy table number 6". we got on smashingly with some of jeanne's friends and a good time was had by all....even if we did, literally, try to burn the place down (firemarshall jaime was quick on her feet, and helped quell the fire after the hillarious yet unfruitful efforts of mix master - though she did try, after all, she was the FIRST responder)
dancing commenced until they kicked us out, but don't feel bad people, we were in VEGAS. mix master called upon a close pal from her days in the blue grass state, mike, and was it EVER a hookup. mike just happens to work at TAO at the venetian on the strip. and we had the VIP service. we rolled up, walked through the velvet ropes, snickered at those waiting on line, and went right to where the action was!

a few drinky drinks in us, and on the dance floor we went...and no sooner did we get there when from the ceiling fell some fantastic foam!!! which really just made it look like we all had a horrible dandruff problem. dancing commenced, sweat dripping, and guys trying to cop a feel, all while packed like sardines trying to get out of the can. it was great!!! the dj was AWESOME. and there were even naked girls in a tub. the terrace provided some much needed fresh air every so often. and we danced the night away.

dateline sunday - what is a trip to vegas without a trip to a buffet? we met up with the rest of the wedding party for a champange brunch. i think i'm still full from it. but it was yum after a full evening. after gorging ourselves, the ladies and i headed out to hit the tables. $5 blackjack called us, and we obliged. this was my first time playing a table game (i'm not much of a gambler) and it turned out pretty well for me. i came away with $40 in winnings - not bad for some beginners luck. and mix master finally ended her 6 year drought when her "12" came up and she won some dough. we were defintely the big winners - take that vegas!!
after some gellato at the bellagio, it was time to leave sin city and go back to our normal lives. a quick trip to drop me off at the airport, and i said good bye to my girls (table 6 represent!!) and i was on my way back east while the girls went west.

it was a great weekend. too short with the girls, but just the right amount for the strip. i think next time i'm back in the desert, i'll head out to the mountains, or the dams, or a lake - a little scenery might do me some good, instead of just hitting "the scene".
but i do reccommend vegas at least once in your life - you can bet on that!!!!