I Dance Like the Italian Women
Thursday, September 29, 2005
in my ever continuing quest to support local artisans, i went to a showing of photos taken by one of my favorite teachers from high school! and let me tell you, these photos were awesome!!! who knew my teach had such talent??? AND i got to bring along the boy, so he got to meet some high school friends of mine along with some teachers that i'm still friendly with. so that was fun. on the down side, the boy found out that his part time radio gig will no longer be needing him next year because there is no room in the budget for him. so i feel really bad about that because i know he really liked the radio gig. but maybe there is hope if they sell the station and some bigger radio congomlerate buys them up and expands their budget. but enough about people with extra jobs
do YOU have a job for me? do you know someone who has a job for me?? have you seen a job in the paper for me??? i could use a new job......
do YOU have a job for me? do you know someone who has a job for me?? have you seen a job in the paper for me??? i could use a new job......
Tuesday, September 27, 2005

the day before i went on vacation, there was a slight gathering at my place. and by slight i mean i didn't know very many people but everyone was wearing togas!!! (except yours truly...for as many of you dear readers might know, i don't do dress up) the party was fun. i even got to meet some of my neighbors from across the hall. after the keg was kicked - which didn't take all that long - a few of us ventured out into the hoboken night air to drink a little more. SOME people didn't take off their togas - and they became quite the hit of the hoboken bar scene. so for those of you that didn't take 'em off, good job - i guess after a few beers you totally lose your inhibitions!
but the biggest thrill of the party was being able to see one T.W. who had disappeared from our radar for the past few years but made a glorious return to the fold. so welcome back - and next time you breeze past these parts you better stop....but this time i will let people know you're coming!!!
Monday, September 26, 2005

ok - so i was on vacation to DISNEYWORLD this past week - hence the lack of posting. i went with princess jenn and princess dee. we had a FAB-U-LOUS time. made lots of disney friends. flirted with disney characters - which now seems kind of dirty and wrong. we ate WAY too much food (if you're going to the magic kingdom, get the disney dining plan....well worth it!!!) though we did feel a little old when we couldn't recognize some of the disney characters.
we also took a little side trip to see jenn's parents who live not too far from orlando. so we got a little home cookin' too. what a week!!!
hope you enjoy the photos
Thursday, September 15, 2005
being that i love going to see concerts of artists that i don't know much about, i went to see jack johnson last night, and let me tell you he was fantastic!! even the opening acts of animal liberation orchestra and matt costa were pretty rockin too! so i suggest you go see them if they come to your neck of the woods! AND i also got to meet peter's other brother who is a chef - so needless to say we had the best bbq tailgate going. who brings shrimp kabobs to tailgate - someone who runs a seafood restaurant, that's for sure! so also, make friends with someone who is a professional chef - it's good times all around!!!
this concludes funkmeister's tip o' the day!
this concludes funkmeister's tip o' the day!
Monday, September 12, 2005

so over the weekend i met my boyfriend's older brother. the older brother is like a chubby version of his younger brother. he was super nice, so that was cool. in the bad news category i got HUGE BLISTERS on the bottom of both my feet!!! yikes!! do you have any remedy for them? cuz i sure got nothing.
just 6 more days til i go on vacation...maybe i should do some laundry
this is a picture from saturday night...his name is peter for those of you who've i yet to tell.
Thursday, September 08, 2005
i'm glad i'm not a drug addict. i was watching something on A&E about women who are addicted to heroin. and as i feel bad for the lives that these people have gone through that have made them turn to drugs to numb themselves, i'm glad that in my life i've discovered how to handle my emotions and problems.
on that happy note, who else stayed up really late to watch the andre agassi tennis match? what, you didn't? well you missed a good one. for those that didn't see the high lights, andre won in 5 sets. i've always loved him. long hair, short hair, no hair - he's still one of the first sports figures i fell in love with. aah, andre - good luck to you in the semis!!! (cuz i know he reads this blog)
on that happy note, who else stayed up really late to watch the andre agassi tennis match? what, you didn't? well you missed a good one. for those that didn't see the high lights, andre won in 5 sets. i've always loved him. long hair, short hair, no hair - he's still one of the first sports figures i fell in love with. aah, andre - good luck to you in the semis!!! (cuz i know he reads this blog)
Wednesday, September 07, 2005
i love a good movie. saw "broken flowers" last night, the new bill murray/jim jarmusch flick. have you seen it? if you, i'd love to talk about it. it's defintely a movie that requires a post game wrap up. and if you have seen it riddle me this batman, what up with the basektball hoops? i'm still trying to get that one.
in other news, well, there's not much else going on. next week the girls at 801 will be getting new cable - YAY!!! we'll be getting a bazillion more channels for $1 less a month. SWEET!
in other news, well, there's not much else going on. next week the girls at 801 will be getting new cable - YAY!!! we'll be getting a bazillion more channels for $1 less a month. SWEET!
Tuesday, September 06, 2005
how was YOUR weekend? mine, hectic as usual. i did, however, get through the first initial introduction of the boy to my brother and sis-in-law. things went well and they both like him a bunch. in fact, tara said that i should've asked him out earlier so i could have brought him to the wedding...sorry zz. it's not like no one dis-liked the lego maniac, but i wouldn't have to had spent the evening denying we were dating. AND the boy liked russ and tara. so at least he'll have backup during family time.
what did YOU do this weekend? Babs, at some point you and i will be able to chat on the phone...so if you're reading this...i tag you back and you're it!
can you believe it's already september? i sure can't. but it also means that i go on vacation in 2 weeks!!! yay!
what did YOU do this weekend? Babs, at some point you and i will be able to chat on the phone...so if you're reading this...i tag you back and you're it!
can you believe it's already september? i sure can't. but it also means that i go on vacation in 2 weeks!!! yay!
Thursday, September 01, 2005
nothing is really more exciting on tv than watching people win on the price is right. and nothing is more scary than seeing water on fire in new orleans. how crazy?!?!?! and i think i left my right arm at the gas station the other day. i can't even find the "cheap" gas anymore, now i know what it's like for my family that lives in norway (their gas is SUPER DUPER expensive)
all of us here in the cherility edit room thinks that a certain girl should TOTALLY ask out athat camera guy....TODAY!!!
all of us here in the cherility edit room thinks that a certain girl should TOTALLY ask out athat camera guy....TODAY!!!