I Dance Like the Italian Women
Friday, June 30, 2006
two things that made me smile at work, both being songs.....feed the tree by belly and my sister by juliana hatfield. both songs brought me right back to sophomore year in high school. good times, good times. ain't it great how a song can bring you right back to moments in time???
Tuesday, June 27, 2006
so i started a new job at the 'ol office this week. i'm the production coordinator and much more, for a show my office is trying to produce for the Do It Yourself Network. and we have now 3, but it was originally 2, weeks to put together at LEAST 2 shows. what kind of shows? well, we're helping families build a true to life sporting facility in their backyard...like a true size basketball half court or a batting cage. we teach you how to create it for little johnny who loves the sport. we so far have a football player who is signed on to the project - one catch. he's only available a few days this month before a) he goes to training camp b) he's not working on a show for another network. so i think what we've come to accept is that we're probably only going to have mr. football star for 2 episodes (and the network wants 5).
what are we gonna do??? i don't know. and that's where it's at
what are we gonna do??? i don't know. and that's where it's at
Saturday, June 24, 2006
i've got some good news people, so i'd thought i'd share. starting monday i am starting a new project at the old office. i will be working on producing a show for the do it yourself network. what does this mean?? it means i will NOT BE WORKING ON THE WEEKENDS for the rest of the summer!!! and i even get my own office and my own phone and a desk....things i've yet to get in the workplace. now if the show gets picked up for some more episodes, then my job will continue, so lets keep our fingers crossed there!!! (this is almost as good as getting a new job...but not quite)
so if you get satellite tv...look really hard and see if you can find the DIY network to begin, and then i'll let you know if it ever gets on air!!!
so if you get satellite tv...look really hard and see if you can find the DIY network to begin, and then i'll let you know if it ever gets on air!!!
Thursday, June 22, 2006
last night peter and i went to the city for dinner and a show!!! mom hooked us up with some great, cheap tickets to see dirty rotten scoundrels. what a blast!!! i had never seen the movie, so i was unsure about what i was gonna see, but it was one terrific show. the guy who played freddy (it was the understudy) was fantastic!! he really made the show. him and the guy who played the french head of police. jonathan pryce was great in the lead as well. so i give it a two thumbs up. we had dinner before the show at a place called da rosina. we had the prix fixe menu, which unlike any other place i've been actually lets you pick any item of the menu ( a first for a nyc restaurant, i'm sure) and it was delish. too bad we had to eat quickly, cuz traffic set us back a bit.
all in all a good night.
all in all a good night.
Friday, June 16, 2006
last night i went to a benefit for amnesty international sponsered by an on-line beauty magazine that a friend of mine works for. it was at the musuem of the city of new york on museum mile on the upper east side. i had never been to this museum, and it is quite the lovely place. it looks like it was once an elementary school back in the day (and i make that assumption based on having gone to a nyc elementary school and i recognize the standard architecture) ANYWAY.
there were delicious martini's served (delicious in both color and taste) and the most excellent plate of BACON. that's right, i said plate of bacon. this was the most wonderful bacon on the face of the planet. there was some sort of sugary coating on those pieces of swine, and that was awesome!!!! i wish they had given out the recipe!!!
after all the eating, drinking and smoozing there was a raffle. now, it was $20 for just one ticket (which i thought was a little redic) but peter and i pooled our money and got one ticket. i put it in the raffle box that would win an original diane von furstenberg dress. so with the hope of winning something that i would never buy myself, i waited for the raffle. as i stood there, i assured the people i was with that the von furstenberg would be mine. i felt it in my bones.
so the big moment arrives. wating nervously, the person in charge start to read aloud the winning ticket...ZERO(i have that!!) NINE (i'm with ya, sister) SEVEN (check) ONE (i've got that too) TWO (holy crap).....SEVEN (I have....the number....EIGHT. EIGHT. ONE TWO EIGHT!!!!!!) I am ONE NUMBER OFF. one number. one tiny, little number. one number away from getting a gorgeous dress. i have never felt such disappointment...ok, i have, it's not that bad. but i really wanted the dress. and being one number away was just a little too crazy for me. BUT i did not walk away empty handed. i got a nice swag bag, that had more than the $20 i spent for the raffle ticket worth of beauty supplies. so it was really all lots of fun. and i had a good time. wish you were there.
there were delicious martini's served (delicious in both color and taste) and the most excellent plate of BACON. that's right, i said plate of bacon. this was the most wonderful bacon on the face of the planet. there was some sort of sugary coating on those pieces of swine, and that was awesome!!!! i wish they had given out the recipe!!!
after all the eating, drinking and smoozing there was a raffle. now, it was $20 for just one ticket (which i thought was a little redic) but peter and i pooled our money and got one ticket. i put it in the raffle box that would win an original diane von furstenberg dress. so with the hope of winning something that i would never buy myself, i waited for the raffle. as i stood there, i assured the people i was with that the von furstenberg would be mine. i felt it in my bones.
so the big moment arrives. wating nervously, the person in charge start to read aloud the winning ticket...ZERO(i have that!!) NINE (i'm with ya, sister) SEVEN (check) ONE (i've got that too) TWO (holy crap).....SEVEN (I have....the number....EIGHT. EIGHT. ONE TWO EIGHT!!!!!!) I am ONE NUMBER OFF. one number. one tiny, little number. one number away from getting a gorgeous dress. i have never felt such disappointment...ok, i have, it's not that bad. but i really wanted the dress. and being one number away was just a little too crazy for me. BUT i did not walk away empty handed. i got a nice swag bag, that had more than the $20 i spent for the raffle ticket worth of beauty supplies. so it was really all lots of fun. and i had a good time. wish you were there.
Friday, June 09, 2006
well, i did it. and i am oh so proud of myself. what, you ask. i finished reading a book. "funk, that's not all that impressive!!!" you say. well, i read a book ALL IN ONE DAY!! i don't think i've ever done that before. "funk, what book???" glad you asked. it was dispatches from the edge by anderson cooper...silly pants!!! (what did you expect?!?!?)
oh - the book is really good. i highly reccommend. and not just cuz newsman mcdreamy wrote it. it's actually really good.
oh - the book is really good. i highly reccommend. and not just cuz newsman mcdreamy wrote it. it's actually really good.
Tuesday, June 06, 2006
tonight ellen and i took a trip to the bookstore. boring you say? not if you belive seeing the most dreamy man in television news (after larry king, right els??) is boring....that's right, i went to the ANDERSON COOPER book signing in union square!! and let me tell you, all the sitting around waiting and waiting was WORTH IT. i was able to make friends with the people sitting next to me, as i tried to save ellen a seat, but the mean people at barnes & noble made me give that seat to some woman, who didn't even stick around to get her booke signed!! anyway, sitting with other women who love anderson (he is, btw, els new b.f.f.) just like i do was really fun. he does have a wide range of fans, many ages, many colors.
the best part was getting to met the REAL mcdreamy in person. he thanked me for waiting so long (and there were still like a gazillion people he was going to sign books for) and i thanked him for signing my book. i feel we had made a real connection, and i expect him to use his show to hunt me down and make me his trophy wife. i was gonna try and save him the trouble, but i do like the idea of the chase, so bring it AC 360!!!
the best part was getting to met the REAL mcdreamy in person. he thanked me for waiting so long (and there were still like a gazillion people he was going to sign books for) and i thanked him for signing my book. i feel we had made a real connection, and i expect him to use his show to hunt me down and make me his trophy wife. i was gonna try and save him the trouble, but i do like the idea of the chase, so bring it AC 360!!!

Monday, June 05, 2006
it's about time i started something big, HUGE. i feel a callling in my heart, a tug at my emotions. it's something deep down. i need to go on a quest for the holy grail!! (the real one!) lookout indiana jones. take that robert langdon. it's all about me. i'm going out there to get it done....
ok - so maybe that's all talk. but i did see the davinci code last night, and i'm inspired.
who's with me? c'mon. i know you are.
ok - so maybe that's all talk. but i did see the davinci code last night, and i'm inspired.
who's with me? c'mon. i know you are.
Thursday, June 01, 2006
why oh why am i watching the national spelling bee on tv?? i guess i like to remind myself that even though i have a college education, these little snot nosed kids can beat my pants in scrabble....wait, that's something that almost everyone can do!!! those kids' words would have to make me whip out a dictionary. jerks