two fantastic things happened over the weekend.
one...I GOT A NEW JOB!!! that's right. a new job. so i got to QUIT my old job! something i've been wanting to do for a long time, but SERIOUSLY have wanted to do for the past year or so - or a little more. the new job will send me over to a .com (i'm finally getting in on this .com revolution i've been hearing about) where i will be encoding video to the site. it's a cool company that gets journalists and broadcast people access to news information from companies and corporations. so everything done is broadcast ready. i think, in fact i know, i'm a little behind in my personal knowledge of this technology, and i certainly didn't make them think otherwise. but i'm told i should be able to pick up the info quickly. so that's good. i am excited for the new gig, but also slightly scared. but the scary-ness is from entering a new situation - and who wouldn't be scared for that??
the second fun thing that happened this weekend - i got to go skiing with lots of people!!! that was awesome too. and i realized i can also keep up with my friends who are speed demons out there on the slopes. so i'm getting better at this whole skiing thing! the only of our team broke his collarbone and it wasn't j!! poor thing! it could've been worse, he could've hit a tree.
i just hope i making the right job decision....i don't want to regret this.
I Dance Like the Italian Women
Tuesday, February 27, 2007
Thursday, February 22, 2007
i hate the health insurance industry! now, don't get me wrong, i am SO glad my company gives me health insurance, but the hoops one has to jump through just to get things done is darn near exhausting!!
remember the good old days, when you went to the dr's office, and they had to take some blood, you just sat there in the cushy office, soothing tones of yellow and green, and the lovely nurse susie would take your blood. well peeps, that is a FAR cry from what happens now! i needed to get some blood drawn, so what happened...i had to fast for at least 8 hours, drive to union city to some sort of blood depository where there were two blood takers (or shall i say draculas!) and like 50 people in the waiting room!! it took over an hour, (and this was in the morning, and i couldn't eat, so no cup o'java to keep me going) just to have someone call my name so i could then sit in a smaller room and wait to hand over a few viles. and did i mention, i had to make sure i had my dr's scrip and some other crazy forms - which by the way, i never had to fill out. so i am very afraid that my blood results will be mixed up with some other person in that room, and i will never know!! it certainly did not seem these people had their shiz-nit together.
this is why i don't like health insurance companies. why couldn't i just go to my dr and get this done. i hate this.
remember the good old days, when you went to the dr's office, and they had to take some blood, you just sat there in the cushy office, soothing tones of yellow and green, and the lovely nurse susie would take your blood. well peeps, that is a FAR cry from what happens now! i needed to get some blood drawn, so what happened...i had to fast for at least 8 hours, drive to union city to some sort of blood depository where there were two blood takers (or shall i say draculas!) and like 50 people in the waiting room!! it took over an hour, (and this was in the morning, and i couldn't eat, so no cup o'java to keep me going) just to have someone call my name so i could then sit in a smaller room and wait to hand over a few viles. and did i mention, i had to make sure i had my dr's scrip and some other crazy forms - which by the way, i never had to fill out. so i am very afraid that my blood results will be mixed up with some other person in that room, and i will never know!! it certainly did not seem these people had their shiz-nit together.
this is why i don't like health insurance companies. why couldn't i just go to my dr and get this done. i hate this.
Wednesday, February 21, 2007
you know, i always thought that with age, i'd be less of an emotional mess than i was when i was in my teens. boy was i wrong!! at what point in my life was i supposed to pick up skills for dating?? i seemingly don't have them. is it really all my parent's fault? how can that be. they've been married for 35 years!! was it because i just wasn't all that interested in the boys i knew growing up? i mean, if you went to my high school, you wouldn't want to date those guys either. and do other people really have it together, or are they just like me - but they haven't acknowledged it yet?
it really stinks not knowing how to help yourself.
it really stinks not knowing how to help yourself.
Monday, February 19, 2007
in the immortal words of the beatles (kind of) is my BIRTHDAY!! and it's my birthday too, yeah!!

how have i rung in this special day? well, for those of you that couldn't make it out saturday nite, i had tons of fun! got to meld my birthday along with my friend from high school who's birthday is tomorrow. and the biggest suprise, little miss els made it out, and STAYED OUT for the entire nite. i think it was more the jammin' 80s cover band that kept her there, but i will continue to believe that it was for me.
and something else momentus happened, little miss els actually purchased an alcoholic beverage from the barkeep...and here is the proof....
so it was a good time had by all. and i'm excited to see all the pics that were taken.
Tuesday, February 13, 2007
what a weekend!! the f.a.w and i drove down to our nation's capital to hang out with deuce and fatty mc-eats-a-lot and some more wonderful people to enjoy some beer and take in a hockey game. if that wasn't exciting enough, it was also the very FIRST nhl game i've ever attended. there was lots of $2 beers, nicknames for everyone, hockey and good times. then there was a bar, and a crazy cab ride home. all in all a fun weekend
but the saddest part of the weekend was when it came to my attention that i lost my most favorite hat, EVER! this was my fun ski hat with the pom pom on top. and the only one to blame is myself for not putting the hat someplace safe while watching the game. i hope i can go out and find a hat that can take it's place in my heart - i hope!
so enjoy some of these photos from the weekend, kids!
Tuesday, February 06, 2007
so i know you've been dying to hear about how my time at the Y is going. well, tonight i graduated to 4 lbs weights for my low/easy weights and moved up to 7 lbs for my heavy weights!! (i started at 3 and 5 respectively)
my goal is to one day use a 10 lbs weight. maybe by the summer?? but rest assured, i will let you know!
now if only i could hold those yoga poses better......
my goal is to one day use a 10 lbs weight. maybe by the summer?? but rest assured, i will let you know!
now if only i could hold those yoga poses better......
Friday, February 02, 2007
i would like to take this opportunity to congratulate myself for making it thru the month of january by NOT going out and getting lunch from work OR buying a soda from the office soda machine AND not getting anything from the office vending machine. it has been a test of wills for me and the water bottle that i fill and bring from home everyday.
just think, one month down, the rest of my life to go. oy!
just think, one month down, the rest of my life to go. oy!
Thursday, February 01, 2007
Ack!!! this week i just can NOT seem to get it together. why, you ask?? i have no idea!! i can't seem to get out of bed, i cannot get myself moving in the morning, which is constantly making me late. which, as you know, i'm almost always on time, if not early. i don't know what is causing this malaise of mine. i hope i can break out of this vicious cycle by next week. and thank goodness i don't have to catch some sort of public transportation to get to work, cuz god knows i would be the idiot running down the street after the bus!
how's your week going???
how's your week going???