my christmas week...in reviewso the holidays were very good to me! i didn't get any gift that i didn't like. in fact, i actually got stuff i need! so that is pretty exciting - mainly cuz it rarely happens. seeing the fam was good too. and now that one side of the family has babies, it makes the hoildays a little more fun. then on tuesday i got to see an old friend as she was in town from the left coast. we had a lovely lunch - she was craving some good ole east coast pizza and i was more than happy to take her to hoboken's finest. and it was nice to catch up after years of not talking.on wednesday i busted out the skis and took a trip with a few other snow bunnies to the perilous mountains of jersey to do some skiing (and there were a few boarders, but let's not talk about people who like to ruin the mountain ;p) the conditions were good - not very cold, not really windy. the man made snow was ok - since we haven't had snow in a while it was still good. but the one complaint i have is the little snotty brats who do NOT follow lift line etiquette. i mean, it's just like merging. i wanted to hurt those little kids. and then we apris ski'd at the hopper to top off a really wonderful day. but i will say this...MY LEGS STILL HURT!! (maybe it's time i started working out...nah)
so i got the greast gift so far this year from the boyfriend. it's not the most romantic thing in the world, but i love it because i've lusted after this for a few years......a kitchen aid stand up mixer!!! and the best part...it's PURPLE! that's right ladies and germs, i now own a purple mixer to make yummy cookies and cakes and pies and now i can whip things up with the ease of those people on the food network. what shall i make first? i don't know. but i DO know who will be getting it!
for those of you that love illustrations and art appreciators of all kinds, here's a fun site you should go check out...http://www.rickmeyerowitz.com/ i happen to LOVE the artist - you could say he's like a second father to me!ps - this nyc transit strike is mostly kind of funny to me, mainly because i don't commute to the city. but the funny thing is, from 5 am to 11 am most of manhattan was blocked off, but at 11, as soon as the police took away their barriers the flood gates opened. new yorkers ARE resilient

holy moly, what a weekend!!! for those of you that couldn't make it to the annual 801 Madison holiday party. there was beer pong a-playin', conversations a-happnin', and general merriement all over. and cherility's crafty christmas was a big hit!! all of my peeps have a cherility original - one of a kind picture frame (and some yummy cookies and cupcakes to boot!!!) sunday left me with a narsty migraine - so you KNOW i had a good time.in fact, we still have a keg of beer left, so if you're in the neighborhood drop by.
let me set the scene. me in my wooly hat with pom poms on the top walking through the supermarket, pushing my old lady pushcart. heading towards me is a man, tall, white, with dark hair in his late 30s, MAYBE early 40s. in tow is his son. looks about in the 3rd or 4th grade. sonny boy is pushing their big cart, and kind of in a hap hazard manner and jumping at the same time. nothing crazy. he's not even crashing into anything. dad has had enough of sonny boy, so in his nicest tone he says....."you're gonna drive me to drink. and i don't mean water"
Christmas shopping. i have one person left to shop for, a few more that are getting home made gifts that have not been conceived of yet in my dreamy head, and some have been, i just have no idea how to execute. decisions, decisions
URGH!!! i'm trying to put together my pithy "reel" to send off to a prospective job, and my office - which has actual studio stuff is getting me NO WHERE!!! So tomorrow i shall go to the fcp guru at the office and see if he can help my transfer problems. "but cheryl" you may ask "doesn't your fancy schmancy computer do all sorts of things like this?" well, my friend, let me tell you this: QUIKTIME SUCKS! i could slighty open my fcp work through quiktime, but it had a hard time generating the transitions. so in my infinite wisdom i thought i should just upgrade my quiktime. so off to the website i go. but i keep getting this DAMNED ERROR CODE -3 everytime i try to install. apparently i'm not the only person in the world to experience this problem - but i am quite scared to try and fix it the manual way (the site warned that i could possibly do harm to my computer by accident, and i don't want to do that!!!)how was your weeekend??
let it snow, let it snow, let it snow!!! tomorrow here in the tri-state area were supposed to get a wintry blast. i hope it's better than the one that was predicted earlier this week (they said 3-5 inches, and it only snowed a 1/2 inch - what a rip off!!) and let us all keep our fingers crossed that a plow doesn't hit my car. i don't think i could handle that.oh and if you're going to be near hoboken on saturday the 17th, stop by sometime after 8. we're having a party
last night peter and i got some "kulture". we went to see a performance at julliard of the julliard symphony orchestra. they played Brahams piano concerto no. 2 in b-flat major and Dvorak's symphony no.7. the piano soloist who played the Brahams piece was out of this world crazy good! i was completely jealous that i didn't continue with my piano lessons as a kid. i could've been that good. wait, who am i kidding? i didn't like to practice classical pieces - so i don't think i would've made it as a concert pianist. then we got to walk through the city a little as the snow was falling. we even stopped by the lincoln center christmas tree - which is really kind of ghetto, definetly NOT as pretty as Rockefeller Center.this morning i was hoping for lots of snow to run out in and make snow angels. i don't think it really snowed at all. what a let down. but on the bright side - maybe next week i'll bust out the old skis from the closet and hit the slopes!
BRRRRR.....the first snow fall of the season! YAY! i love hats.but i wonder if my apartment has storm windows somewhere.....
so today i took my annual trip to the NASCAR media luncheon. this year it was at Cipriani's on 42nd - not a bad place to hold an event. the lunch was nothing to rave about, EXCEPT for the chocolate cake for dessert. now, as most of you know i'm not a big fan of all things chocolaty - but this was decadent chocolate beyond belief. it was kind of like a mousse in the middle - but yet a little more cakey and they were separated by thin layes of the best chocolate icing EVER topped by the same thing. i swear, just looking at it would send you into a diabetic coma. in fact, no one at our table could make it all the way through - it was just that good and rich. so if you're looking to get some chocolate cake: cipriani's on 42nd - you will NOT be disappointed.anyway, i did get to see my favorite NASCAR driver (yes, i do have one. NO i'm not turning into a backwoods hick) and it is Jimmie Johnson. he's the cutest driver and he has the hottest pit crew - as i affirmed last year when i went to a NASCAR race in the pocono's for work and i had pit passes and could walk anywhere i darn well wanted. i think jimmie's wife was getting a little annoyed that all i did was stand by his little station while reporters asked him questions. and i will show you the pictures i took once i get them. i know you can't wait.peace out....and btw - for those of you that have a blog, can you no longer make changes to the date and time of your post?? i've suddenly lost that ability. is it just me?